Ben Atkins

Hi, My Name is Ben

I am a Web Developer and Designer

Here are some of my favorite projects that I've made.
Click each one to learn more about it.

Puck Luck

Game Swap



I created this half-way through my time at Nashville Software School as the 1st of two Capstone projects. Thus we call it our midstone. Built with jQuery, Sass, Firebase and the 'MySportsFeed API', Puck-Luck allows users to check the NHL schedule, search for individual players as well as well as view season long team stats. After logging in, user can view daily updates of their favorite teams and players.

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Google Login for user simplicity and Firebase Realtime Database

challenge statement

Look at the NHL Schedule for any given day


Catch up with the latest Hockey news


Up to Date Team Stats

style guide

Search Through Players in the League


Save your Favorite Players and Teams to View their Status Daily

favorite-team favorite-player

Game Swap

This was my final Capstone project at Nashville Software School. It is built in React and styled using Reactstrap. I used Firebase to store user data and the video game API for the game information. The concept is to provide a website for frugal gamers to connect with the intention of swapping physical video games.

Hover over images to see code snippets associated with each component mentioned (Or tap if on mobile)


Google Login for user simplicity and Firebase Realtime Database

challenge statement

Home page suggests randomized popular games to give you inspiration about games you might want or have


...Or search for a specific game


View the summary of a game

style guide

View your games on your 'Wants' and 'Haves' lists

challenge statement

Game Swap will tell you if there are other users with opposite 'want/have' criteria as yourself, and will allow you to make a proposal


Receive Proposals from other users


Stay up to date with your trades that are underway

style guide


This project has a twist. We formed our own groups and were told to use Nashville's Open Data to create an app that would be helpful for the Nashville community. Our instructors at NSS invited professionals relevant to the Nashville Development scene to view our presentations and judge the projects.
"The panel included Robyn Mace, Chief Data Officer for Metro Nashville, Nick Lorenson, Principal of and organizer of Code for Nashville, Jason Weakley, Developer at Tennessee Secretary of State and organizer of the State & Local Government Developer Network (SLGDN), and James Suh, President at Nashville Analytics."
My group created Wyfy; an app to connect users with the free public Wifi Spots in the city. It is built in React and styled with reactstrap. I was in charge of making the API calls to both the Nashville Open Data and to a handful of Google Apis, as well as passing the data as props to each component. Additionally I created the function that calculates the 'distance from current location' feature.

See the article!

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No login necessary. Wyfy shows you all the nearby hotspots.


Change to list view for easy browsing


View locations near you by clicking the geolocation button


Look at the details of each location including phone, address, an image, and whether the location is open or closed

style guide

Filter the locations by searching
